Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Better late than never!

Greetings from Greenhouse!

      We haven't updated in a while, We have been rather busy with Gardening Massive Woodworking projects and of course our trips to manor farm and Team Qe2's entry into Gungho!

We've got a lot to show so on we go!


Kevin and Paul head to B n Q to get supplies for green house. We've had lots of planting to do so wee need lots of compost and seeds.

The Garden, Before:


As you can see, Tracey and the Greenhouse gardeners had their work cut out earlier this year.....


We had  plenty to work with, some of the planters needed sprucing up, but most were in excellent shape.
First main job was clearing away the weeds, re laying paths and repainting some of the planters

The Garden, now..


Cheryl and Will potting up our seedlings so they can germinate before going into our flower beds. Then Will gives them a drink.

Dan prepares the soil for planting and Paul tends to our new herb garden.

After a few short months of hard work our garden has gone from
This                                                                to                                           This

We're all looking forward to seeing what else grows in the coming months.

Independent Cooking

We have always had an inclusive cooking program at greenhouse. All of the food eaten in Green house is Cooked by the Team with a little supervision from staff with more tricky recipes.

Recently we have been working on individual cooking skills.  Part of self reliance skills, we have also been role playing running and buying from our very own shop. 
First the team "buy" the ingredients to their lunch, then following one of our personalised recipe cards, in teams of two the guys help each other set up the kitchen, then cook the meal, then clean up for the next pair.
Then it's lunch time.

Greenhouse woodwork

We have been rebuilding our Roundhouse roof recently, so it's all hands to the pumps to get all the wood painted measured and fixed into place.
The other big project that we are doing is creating products to sell at our craft fayre. Greenhouse has been practicing building Planters,bird houses and other such garden fixtures. With any luck by the time the fayre cmes around the guys will have a set of planters forsale made by themselves, but up of a very high quality. Remember practice makes perfect!

While Chelsea measures out the planks of wood, Trevor carries on sorting out plants to be planted.
Georgie and mark pant the planks with woodstain

Team greenhouse repainting the front of Gold.

Meanwhile back in the workshop, the team have set up a production line and are hard at work, or posing for the camera.

Gold popped down to help with all the painting work.

While the guys paint , Paul, Craig and Dan break up some pallets to turn into planks.

It's a tricky job pulling nails from planks before they can be painted.

Manor farm day trip.

One bright sunny Tuesday afternoon Green team headed up to our neighbours at manor farm. Not only was it a fun day out, seeing the historical farm and all of it's animals. We were taken around the shop to see how they run it, and what they do with al those seed bags we fill up.

 Meeting Chickens, rabbits and trying on hats.
Meeting the Donkeys

 End of day photo opportunity.


 After Weeks of preperation and training Team Qe2 (made up of members from Green, Gold and Team Q) spent all day tackling the assault course on Southampton common, earning themselves thier very own gung ho! shirts and lots of proud memories.

 All members of the team helped each other round the course, all of the adventure was captured on camera by Qe2 staff.

And they're off!

 Lenita, Craig and Dan back at home, enjoying their success!

Happy Birthday your Majesty!

As it was the Queen's birthday recently QE2 activity centre decided to put on a street party, filled with food fun and games for everyone.

Well that's it for this post. The wait for the next post will hopefully be a lot smaller.... until then we shall continuing our adventures and building more bits and bobs for our craft fayre.

Goodbye from Green house see you soon.

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